
Revitalizing the U.S.-South Korea Nuclear Relationship

The first summit between South Korea’s new President, Suk-yeol Yoon, and U.S. President, Joe Biden, is reported to feature new agreements on nuclear energy collaboration as part of an expansion of high-technology cooperation. The question is whether these new nuclear commitments will yield more than a passing press release. It has been a year since…
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National Security Ascends as Nuclear Power Priority

The first domino has fallen in the unravelling of Russia’s control of the international nuclear reactor market. Finland has terminated a contract with Russia to build a large new nuclear power plant, pushed over the edge by the war in Ukraine.  Russia’s state-owned nuclear company, Rosatom, stated that the Finnish decision was “absolutely incomprehensible.” However, what’s completely…
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Congress Jumpstarts America’s Nuclear Geopolitical Power

It’s Deja Vu all over again as the Congress prods a hesitant executive branch to effectively deal with glaring global nuclear challenges. The last time this happened was in 1991, when then Senators Nunn and Lugar imposed on a reluctant Bush administration a program to control post-Soviet “loose nukes.” That evolved into one of the…
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