
Climate Concerns Open Opportunities on Nuclear Finance

Rising concerns about a warming planet are sustaining support for the financing of nuclear power projects, despite cost concerns about building large plants in economically developed nations. The European Union, United States, and Canada have all recently taken steps to preserve space on the zero-carbon agenda for existing and next generation reactors. The ability of…
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Bridging the Gap on Climate, Nuclear and Security Policy

As the news of climate change’s global impact grows grimmer, the unwillingness of governments and some environmental advocates to embrace a full solution set for the problem grows increasingly inexcusable. It’s time to bridge the climate-nuclear power-global security gap. A new analysis signed by 11,258 scientists from 153 nations warned that humanity is now facing…
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Responding to Nuclear Nervousness in the Middle East

New developments in the Middle East are raising concerns about whether the region will become the world’s next nuclear hot spot. While the escalating situation stokes international anxiety, it has not stimulated an effective, comprehensive nuclear security policy response. The reality is that multiple nuclear facilities will be operating in several countries in the region…
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The Nuclear-Climate-Security Conversation Gains Altitude

The nuclear-climate-global security discussion has ramped-up in recent weeks, led by several high-profile international organizations responding to the growing global concern about the impact of increasing greenhouse gasses. But the debate is still balkanized with energy and technology garnering more attention than their security implications. In Vienna, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) held a…
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