
A Policy Framework for Next-Gen Nuclear

The results of the U.S. election have not been certified but there is a strong likelihood of a new administration in January. If so, it will need to move quickly to reestablish effectiveness on the climate agenda. An important way to demonstrate leadership is to act on an integrated strategy to advance next-generation nuclear energy…
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[Webinar] The Climate Imperative for Decarbonization: Contributions from Nuclear Power

Join the Global Nexus Initiative – the leading policy initiative focused on the intersection of climate change, nuclear energy, and global security – and its panelists for a virtual panel discussion on identifying all the technology and policy pathways that realistically can be pursued to achieve global decarbonization objectives and how nuclear power can contribute.…
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The Role of Civil Society in the Next Generation of Nuclear Power

The potential of next generation nuclear power was boosted last week with the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DoE) selection of two advanced reactors for demonstration no later than 2027.  But the project’s aggressive timeline, novel technologies, and private-public sector collaboration present major challenges, and timely success is not assured. Despite its significant resources and current…
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Converging Strategy on China

In an analytical and ideological convergence, atypical for official Washington these days, the Republican-led House of Representatives China Task Force (CTF) and the Democratic Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee have simultaneously, but separately, concluded that China is the leading national security and economic danger to the United States. Both determined that the country is…
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