
Interview with Kenneth Luongo: The Post-COP28 Global Nuclear Market The Partnership for Global Security’s President, Ken Luongo, joined the Global American Business Institute’s (GABI) recent podcast on global nuclear market trends. Mr. Luongo notes that in response to Russia’s rise as a prominent nuclear technology exporter and its invasion of Ukraine, the United States and its allies are making strides to rejuvenate their domestic nuclear…
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Russian International Nuclear Energy Expansion

The accompanying infographic provides a visual representation of Russia's international nuclear energy expansion. It highlights existing memorandum of understandings or cooperation agreements, operational reactors, reactors under construction, and planned projects worldwide. This visual aid underscores the global reach of Russia's nuclear ambitions and partnerships in various regions. Is Russia a Reliable Nuclear Partner? In recent…
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U.S. Government Nuclear Energy Investments in Recent Legislation

This infographic illustrates new investments in nuclear energy-related projects across various U.S. legislative acts from 2021 to 2024. The categories include Fuel Enrichment Capacity and Infrastructure, Support for Existing Reactors, Advanced Reactors, Research and Infrastructure, and Military Nuclear Power. Significant investments can be seen in the 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, in existing and advanced reactors.…
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