Russia-Ukraine-Invasion-Nuclear-TransgressionsDownload Patrick Kendall, Program Director, Partnership for Global Security Michael Sway, Della Ratta Fellow, Partnership for Global Security
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Imbalances Emerging on Nuclear Export, Geopolitics, and Security
Notable developments are occurring at the nexus of nuclear export, geopolitics, and global security driven by continuing and significant changes in the international environment. But as these issues further fuse and shape our future, it is not clear whether government policy and reactor market development can keep pace with the technology-centric next-gen nuclear trajectory. This…
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Controversial Advances on Korean and Saudi Civil Nuclear Stalemates
The fractious nuclear energy issues between the U.S, South Korea, and Saudi Arabia seem to be rolling toward potential resolution, but the process is generating concern. The nuclear cooperation challenges have been both bilateral between the U.S. and each nation and triangular because the Saudi desire for nuclear power likely runs through Seoul and Washington.…
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Global SMR/AR Development Overview
The two infographics above visualize the countries around the world that are currently developing small modular reactors (SMR) and the distribution of advanced reactors in development by reactor type. The first graph uses data from the IAEA’s SMR Technology Development report from 2022, while the second graph depicts data from the IAEA’s Advanced Reactors Information System (ARIS) database. Currently,…
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