The U.S. has woken up to the fact that Russia is aggressively advancing on the nuclear export playing field, that China is not far behind, and that this will impact American international influence and objectives for decades to come. Nuclear export is more than an economic issue. In this century it is about the formation…
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Pentagon Preferences Will Impact Next Gen Nuclear
The Pentagon is increasingly interested in small mobile nuclear reactors. It is reasonable to research this as a response to the need for reliable, portable, carbon-free power for bases and the battlefield. But, while the U.S. military usually gets what it wants, we should avoid an atomic flashback to the era when the needs and…
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A Next Generation Nuclear Alliance
Will Saudi Arabia’s future nuclear power program include a partnership with China and Pakistan? Or will the U.S. and its allies offer the Saudis a creative proposal that meets its energy needs and keeps a tight lid on nuclear weapons in the Middle East and beyond? A Next Generation Nuclear Alliance could meet these goals and…
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Gates Goes to Washington
Bill Gates recently visited Washington and invited the U.S. government to join in a vital joint venture to expand investment in next generation nuclear power, a technology he believes is “ideal for dealing with climate change.” Gates became a billionaire by predicting and serving the explosive market for personal computer software. His prescience helped catapult…
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