Publications: Commentary

A Small FIRST Step

Buried deep within a White House clean energy Fact Sheet is the announcement of a new U.S. program to support the export of small modular nuclear reactors (SMRs). It is a useful initiative but a wholly insufficient placeholder for the comprehensive nuclear competitiveness strategy that the U.S. urgently needs. The Foundational Infrastructure for the Responsible Use of…
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Climate Revelry and Carbon Reduction Realities

Climate ambition is in bloom this Spring at the virtual climate summit. Global carbon reduction commitments are climbing. America again is leading. Unfortunately, this well-worn form of international political performance masks the grinding realities of actually achieving the promised carbon cutbacks. There is little doubt that no deep carbon reductions will occur without ambitious governmental commitments. But the issue is…
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A Decade of Delivery

The U.S. has become a deeply unserious nation in danger of losing its preeminent global role to China. This is the caustic evaluation of commentator and comedian, Bill Maher. When parody presents the most prescient insights into impending policy failure, it’s probably worth at least considering a course correction.   The consequences of continuing on the…
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Responding to the Belt and Road Rout

It’s a bad sign for the free world when a headline blares, “China is convinced that America is in decline.” There are many reasons why China’s leadership could consider America to be a fading superpower, but certainly, one is its inconsistent and insufficient response to the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) over the past eight…
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