Publications: Commentary

U.S. and South Korea Are Bungling the Nuclear Export Opportunity

The U.S. and South Korea are in the process of blowing a once-in-a-century opportunity to wrest control of the global nuclear market from Russia and prevent China from taking its place. The clean energy and international security consequences of a blunder are very high. But both countries seem content to continue at full speed with…
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A Preventable Trainwreck

U.S. and South Korean nuclear energy companies have been on a collision course over new international reactor sales for the last three years. Now, this totally preventable trainwreck has come to a head and been hurled into court. The fuse for this fight was lit by the competition for reactor construction in Saudi Arabia. But…
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Four New Realities Facing the Future

New assessments of a world in dramatic transition were delivered this week like lava erupting from an angry volcano. At the center were four key issues - China, Russia, technology, and governance. The EU, the UK, and the U.S. all presented new analyses of how the world has, and is, changing and what steps need…
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Streamlining the Strategy for Nuclear Exports

As the world meets this week in Vienna to review the global nuclear landscape, the grim reality of Russia’s attacks on Ukraine’s nuclear power plants and Putin's nuclear weapons threats will dominate the discussion. But lurking behind the headlines at the annual IAEA General Conference is the growing importance of nuclear energy as a response…
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