Managing the risks of climate change will require developing safe, secure, and economic low-carbon energy sources that enable growth while protecting people and the environment. The Global Nexus Initiative (GNI) is a multi-year joint effort by PGS and the Nuclear Energy Institute to explore the linkages among climate change, nuclear power, and global security issues. PGS and NEI have assembled a GNI Working Group that includes 20 highly accomplished, multidisciplinary international professionals with policy expertise in energy, nuclear, climate change, and security issues. Members represent the United States, Europe, and Asia.

The project represents a new level of real-world collaboration among non-traditional partners who agree that the complex challenges posed by climate change, energy demand, and global security require a new level of real-world collaboration and innovative policy solutions. The GNI Working Group will convene for a series of results-focused workshops to develop actionable and innovative policy recommendations for international leaders and policymakers.

Since its founding in 2015, GNI has released six policy reports, four videos, three press briefings, three webcasts and one webinar. During the initial project phase, the GNI produced three major policy memos that described the primary challenges and offered recommendations for addressing them. These memos fed into the groundbreaking report, “Nuclear Power for the Next Generation: Addressing Energy, Climate, and Security Challenges,” published in May 2017. The report included four key findings and offered 22 actionable policy recommendations. Then in 2019, we published Advancing Nuclear Innovation: Responding to Climate Change and Strengthening Global Security, a groundbreaking analysis of the safeguards, security, and geopolitical implications of advanced reactors. A version of this document was accepted for presentation by the International Atomic Energy Agency, and it has become a touchstone for others working in this area as new analyses have been developed from its methodology.

Our objective is to create a transparent and productive process that generates realistic and actionable recommendations for policymakers. The findings of the GNI will reflect workshop outcomes and the viewpoints of the Working Group members, not artificial consensus or ideological preconceptions.

GNI is currently funded by a generous grant from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.

For the latest project news, please visit the official GNI website: or contact us at